Want an IPhone 6? Join the Yamba Beta Test!
I want an IPhone6! I am sure a lot of you would want one too! Right? Well, a new social networking website is giving away a brand new IPhone6 to 3 lucky beta testers. If you love social networking apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, I am sure you are going to enjoy using Yamba.
Here is the 2 simple steps that will lead you to your newest phone:
Head to http://yamba.rocks/#!/register and create an account.
Step 2: POST
Post as many videos, photos, and links to your Yamba account.
The Beta Test ends on July 25, 2015 and Yamba will award the beta tests with:
1. The most number of posts at http://yamba.rocks (then post away)
2. The most number of followers (then invite away)
3. The post with the most number of views
How much do you want a new iPhone6 ??? Add me and cya at Yamba.Rocks http://yamba.rocks/main/profile/caloyolano
This is was a long time ago I guess